WIP Wednesday-Umbrella Quilts

April 24, 2013

Free Motion Quilting, Umbrellas,

The weather in Minnesota has been, well…miserable!  The temperature has hovered between 20-and 35 degrees F all month and we’ve had three days of snow this week...When it isn’t snowing—it’s raining!  The good news…I’ve had a lot of time to quilt!

But even when I’m quilting…

Free Motion Quilting, Umbrellas,

I’m thinking about the weather!

Free Motion Quilting, Umbrellas,

I am still getting to know my new sewing machine…(Read more here)

Free Motion Quilting, Umbrellas,

And I find it has a different “feel” than my old machine–and a different sound, too!  Isn’t funny how one gets used to the sound of the machine…

Free Motion Quilting, Umbrellas,

I added some “wind” to the umbrella quilts… and in a note of optimism, I stitched flowers in the blue quilt.

Free Motion Quilting, Umbrellas,

Now I wish they would magically bind themselves…

Next week’s Tuesday Tutorial:  Open and Closed Umbrellas

Also, I have had a few requests to do a tutorial on The Flame stitch which is a part of the Fleur de lis motif from yesterday’s tutorial.  Watch for that soon.

If you like the tutorials, please do me a favor….send warm and sunny thoughts this way!



  • Kris Jacobson

    Yes, I am in ND and we have been getting the same weather. Unfortunately it hasn’t lead to more quilting time for me. Love your quilting

  • What a cute little quilt! The umbrellas remind me of the beach 🙂

  • Wowza! Beautiful quilting! I’m still trying to get the hang of FMQ– too chicken to try it on an actual quilt yet.
    Your work is quite inspiring (I’m wishing for warmer weather here in Ohio too!)

  • It’s pretty and warmish in Austin! So here is some love from the Austin Modern Quilt Guild! I hope it comes in buckets like the rain.

  • Oh my goodness I love this! I just started free motion quilting, I hope I’ll get the hang of it enough to be able to do something like that…

  • Your quilting is amazing!

  • Pat, (sister)

    I would be happy to bind any and all of your quilts- just send them my way…. but will you get them back????

  • Oh, dear – not much warmth to send your way from here! I just came in from snapping some shots of the coyote tracks in yesterday’s snow. . . Love your umbrella quilts!

  • Just found your blog and I’m really enjoying it. Your umbrellas with the wind are so much fun, and look like our weather in southeast South Dakota!

  • Love the umbrellas and your tutorials. Thanks from all of us new to machine quilting people.

  • Sheri Salatin

    Wow! That is amazing quilting! Absolutely beautiful.

  • wow that is amazing! hope the weather improves for you soon.

  • Lovely quilting!

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