Last week, I saw these darling printable tags at :::Rows of Six::: …and ever since…I have wanted to join in the tag fun.
I sat down at my sewing machine and started doodling…
I am not sure if I will cut these out and use them as tags…or keep adding more tags to make a little vase quilt…
I had a rather dull needle, so I tried a few more ideas on real tags…
It was a bit of a challenge to control these small tags as I stitched…
Perhaps you’d like to tag-a-long…?!!!
You might also like: Decorating Christmas Trees with Free Motion Quilting and WIP Christmas Gifts (Poinsettia)
…and if you haven’t gotten yourself anything for Christmas…try Ten Stocking Stuffers for Quilters and Sewers
Very cool! It would be easier perhaps to work with a sheet of card stock, stitch your tags then cut them out with a rotary cutter (old blade installed) and hole punch them after. Great idea,
or perhaps spray-baste the pre-made tags to a fabric scrap to give more control (fabric that would make the back of the tag cute too!)
I’m very impressed with your free motion skills. Very cute.
Thank you! I love your designs…I can envision them as free motion quilt doodles!
These are just adorable! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
Jenny Squawk
Amazing tags! Great work. Love the idea with a small quilt with just tags.
Hey, I love these – both on fabric and cardstock. 🙂
Karen @ littlebirdiequilting
It’s great to see the use of red cloth for the tags- nice and bright! It occurred to me that I haven’t seen red used so much lately; so great to see how effective the tags are!
I love red! I have made several red and white quilts. Thanks for stopping by!