Tuesday Tutorial-The Tulip and The Figure Eight Leaf

June 11, 2013

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

It’s Tutorial Tuesday!  and today I have a “two-fer” for you. Two tutorials in one–Tulips and The Figure-Eight Leaf.  (No more alliteration, I promise!)

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

This pretty flower would look great on any quilt.  It can be made large and it looks great stitched very small.

Start with three drawn lines, one inch apart.  The pattern will be stitched on the center line and the two outer lines will serve as guidelines to keep our stitching straight.

Begin on the bottom and stitch a straight line up the center line.  Stop and stitch a semi-circle

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

Next, stitch a spiral.

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

For more on spirals see the “Four Steps to Perfect Spirals” tutorial HERE.

As you spiral out, finish the spiral ON the center line.  STOP HERE.  From this point, begin the next tulip by stitch a straight line up the center line.

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

When you reach the last tulip in the line, stop at the same point as above.  From the stopping point on the center line…stitch a left-sided semi-circle to close the tulip.

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

Stitch down the stem and you are now ready to stitch The Figure Eight Leaf.

See photo below:

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

The Figure Eight Leaf can be varied by adding a second figure eight within the first–The Double Figure Eight Leaf  (Maybe we should call this the 88 Leaf or the 16 Leaf???)

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

It looks rather cute all by itself don’t you agree?

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

I hope you will incorporate The Tulip and The Figure Eight Leaf into your next quilt!  Or, use it for a “vase quilt”  as I plan to do!

Tune in later in the week–I have a few design tips for you and I hope to have this little gem finished–I have some pink peonies in my garden that would look great on a Tulip Vase Quilt-–Wait!  That doesn’t seem right, does it?  Maybe, I’ll have to design a peony quilt for my peonies…and arrange tulips on my tulip quilt…but what about my Bachelor’s Buttons???  This could get out of hand very quickly!

FMQ, Tulip Tutorial, Long Arm, Quilting

Happy stitching!




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