Sewing Machines–Then and Now

February 9, 2013

Vintage Sewing Machine, Singer, Toy Sewing Machine, Amish Quilt, Quilt

We’ve come a long way, haven’t we?!  From treadles and hand cranks to…

Sewing Machine, Computerized, Bernina

computerized marvels…I wonder what is next???



  • I LOVE OLD MACHINES AND TRY TO GET EVERYONE I find cheap, to work then when a kid wants to learn sew I can let them learn basic sewing on something that can take a somewhat beating GREAT FUN The one I like the best is called the Grasshopper from Elna sounds like old thashing machine but sews like a charm and the green carring case is a joy!!!! LOOK IT UP and think the tv show the MONSTERS almost a twin to someones lunch box HA HA


    Hi, Lori. We are mid-Antique Show and I have told people about your fabulous blof. The quilt this year is very pretty!

  • Actually, I use treadles and hand cranks every chance I get. I rarely use a machine powered by electricity. (And I’d absolutely love to have a little handcrank like the one you show. I think it would be so much fun to use for “redwork” embroidery–in every color of the rainbow!

    • This sewing machine has been around our house as long as I can remember, but no one in my family ever used it–I didn’t know it could be used. Do you have photos showing how you do your work? I will explore… Thanks for your comment!

  • I wish we could bring together the pretty look of the antique sewing machines with the technology and tricks of the new ones! 🙂

  • I A G R E E. Very nice ones you’ve. Mtetar

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