Mister Blue Bird–a Work in Progress

June 5, 2013

Bird Project, Sewing

One of my favorite things about Spring is watching for the birds as they return to Minnesota after their winter vacations in warmer states.  I can’t wait  for The Eastern Bluebirds to return to their houses in our garden. So,  when I saw this pattern on Pinterest, I couldn’t resist!  As we plodded  impatiently through our extra-long winter, I stitched a little bluebird for myself!

Bird Project, Sewing

You can find the pattern at Spool HERE or HERE

Bird Project, Sewing

It’s a darling pattern, but I made a few refinements and corrections...

First, you only need ONE Bird Belly:

Bird Project, Sewing

Next,  I made the bird’s head a bit larger and extended it down the back farther.  When stitching the back of the bird’s head, extend the line  as long as necessary to create a very smooth, tapered line—otherwise the head will be lumpy.

Bird Project, Sewing

The final refinement:  the pattern instructs you to stitch from tail to chest.  Reverse that:  sew from the chest point to the tail.  When it is time to stitch the head, begin at this chest point again.  This is important because the chest point is the critical point— where things need to line up perfectly.    By beginning at that point you can control it with more precision.  If the tail is a little off–it does not matter.

Bird Project, Sewing

This is the point where everything must match precisely—start here:

Bird Project, Sewing

Now that I have tested the pattern, I think I shall make a flock of birds:  Baltimore Orioles, Red winged black birds, Blue-jays, Cardinals….

Bird Project, Sewing

Bird Project, Sewing

Maybe I’ll give them wings?   I think I will be spending a bit of creative time in my Sewing NEST!



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