Hawaiian Applique-Totable WIP

April 3, 2013

Hawaiian Applique

I like to have a few “totable” works in progress at all times–and Hawaiian applique is a perfect, totable project. It has no small pieces, requires only one spool of thread and doesn’t require a great deal of concentration to stitch.

Hawaiian Applique

Unfortunately, I DO need to carry my spectacles…

This applique pattern is from Pokolani Quilts.

Hawaiian Applique

and is cut from a hand dyed fabric…perfect for Hawaiian appliqué.

Hawaiian Applique

It takes a while to baste, but it is worth the time because it makes the project portable--no pins!

Hawaiian Applique

What’s your favorite totable project–(besides doodling)?

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  • I’ve been toting a hawaiian applique project to my quilt bee for several years. I guess I’d make more progress if I worked on it more than a couple hours a month 🙂 Your project is lovely – that is a really pretty blue hand dye.

    • Thanks so much. I had a project that I toted around for years, never really expecting to finish. Then it got to the point that almost 3/4 of the blocks were done–that’s when I really worked on it in earnest to get it completed. Unfortunately, it is not quilted…I want to hand quilt it, though that could mean it never gets done….

  • a big fan

    LOVE!!! want to make me another one, but this one in blues!? 😉

  • Don’t know much about Hawaiian applique, except that it looks pretty and also looks like it would be fiddly. Is there a next step after the top photo? I can’t see clearly if there’s still some work to do with the raw edges. Would love to learn more.

    • The entire piece is needle turned appliquéd. In the last photo, I am just beginning that process. Are you interested in a tutorial on appliqué? Another of my favorite things to do…

      • Sure, I’m always interested. My project list grows longer every day. I just bought a really lovely book about felting. I bet you know what that’s like. There are so many interesting things to do….

  • my 1st REAL applique project was a reverse applique pattern of swimming turtles. I LOVED that I didn’t have to keep going back and adding pieces. I have since done a few more, but have not mastered prepping some of the little stuff. When I did the reverse applique, I machine basted my piece. I used a horrid orange thread and had not ONE bit of trouble seeing where to take it out! lolol

    • I am working on a complicated Baltimore Album Quilt, but it does require adding pieces–and concentration, so not so totable!

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