Last week, I was strolling the aisles of my local JoAnn’s Fabric Store with a 40% coupon burning a hole in my pocket, when I spied this book on doodling. Who knew one could write a book about doodling?
As you know, I am a big proponent of doodling. (Read posts HERE and HERE).
Not only does it make you smarter (Read more HERE), doodling is a great way to practice free motion and long arm quilting.
Of course, the best way to doodle is on fabric…
But if you don’t sew, or if you don’t have time to sit down at your sewing machine…
Then the next best thing is doodling the old-fashioned way. If you are looking for a little inspiration, check out Stephanie Corfee’s Book, Creative Doodling and Beyond at your local store. (Here’s a link on Amazon.) I’m going to doodle a little sunshine–it did stop snowing yesterday and today it is pouring rain!
Next week: Design tips, The Wave free motion quilting tutorial…and so much more!
bought this book some days before and LOVE it! I will try to quilt my own place cards for our wedding. Thanks for the ideas!
Greetings, Rike
Sue Cox
Hmmm, what does it say about me if I’ve never really been a doodler? It was frowned upon in school, and I always tried to be a good pupil. I was a “rule follower ” as a youngster, but as an adult I’m a creative rule breaker!! Is there hope for me? Support
There’s always hope!
Linda June Wilson
OMG! I found this book at Joanne’s also and used a 50% off coupon! Isn’t it wonderful and I thought about FMQ first of all! Having fun!! I love your blog!
You got a better deal than I did–I only had 40%. It was a good deal at full price–fun book! I’d love to see what you doodle and stitch-doodle!Lori
> Date: Sat, 4 May 2013 21:16:17 +0000 > To: >
Gail sabramsky
I doodle all the time. I am thinking it helps with my free motion quilting. I am much better with it on my long arm, but want to get better on my domestic so I can do some little projects.
I love your little squares at the top of the Post – are you going to make them into brooches?
I never thought of it. I will send them to you if you want to do it!
I OVE this book. I found it last summer and it started me drawing and painting. I have been long arming for years and do a lot of “drawing” with my machine. But I never thought of my self as an artist until I started drawing and painting on paper. You doodle so well on your machine. You could have written this book.
Since reading your blog I doodle at work. We are going thru a slow spell right now. Sitting at a desk with nothing to do is easier when I’m practicing my quilting.
I must confess, I am not a blog follower, UNTIL NOW! I enjoy every part of your blog and your amazing quilting. I feel like I have a new friend. You share so many quilt designs and inspirational ideas that encourage me as a quilter. Many thanks.
I’m always glad to make a new friend! Thanks for following and thanks for taking the time to comment!
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Thanks for sharing. Be Blessed, Mtetar