Dog Tired

February 7, 2013

Dog Tired, Australian Shepard, Humor, Dogs, Pets

Did you ever have one of those days–a day where the spirit is willing, but the body is weak?  Meet my dog, Ruby...she’s a four-year old Australian Shepherd who cheerfully greets us each morning with her happiest dog version of “cock-a-doodle-do”!  Ruby is quick to chase a ball or a deer, go for a walk, or “help” us make our beds…but for now, she just needs a little cat nap!

Dog Tired, Australian Shepard, Humor, Dogs, Pets

Photos courtesy of FVKennedy.  See her Tumblr blog at Color Route Co.

Also, don’t miss the stencil giveaway here

Tomorrow we will be starting a new feature on Quilt Appreciation–for all the non-quilters out there–don’t miss it!



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