- June 19, 2013
Float My Boat–A Work in Progress
I had a little time to experiment yesterday and just started "playing" with the simple shapes from yesterday's sailboat tutorial.…
- May 4, 2013
Doodling and Beyond
Last week, I was strolling the aisles of my local JoAnn's Fabric Store with a 40% coupon burning a hole…
- April 25, 2013
The Penultimate School Supply
Since my first days of kindergarten, I have been a school supply junkie. I love ALL school supplies: from Crayolas…
- March 6, 2013
Kiss the Blarney Stone-Giveaway
Today, I am working on a St. Patrick's Day Doodle Quilt Giveaway! The quilt is scattered with lucky clovers--hope…
- January 16, 2013
WIP-Valentine’s Day-and a GIVEAWAY!
Dear Gentle Reader, Did you realize that it is only a month until Valentine's Day? I have hearts doodling themselves…
- November 21, 2012
I am working on several small quilts to use on my Thanksgiving Day table. (See tutorials) When I woke up…
- November 7, 2012
Work in Progress Wed–Olivia’s Doodle Quilt
The weather has taken a turn here in Minnesota. It is rainy and cold as I write this. I'm not…
- October 10, 2012
Work in Progress Wednesday
The weather here in Stillwater has been perfect--blue skies, warm days, and gorgeous fall color. Needless to say, I have…
- September 13, 2012
Doodling-an Ally to Intellectual Thought
I have been busy finishing up a couple of group projects that I am not free to share for a…
- September 6, 2012
New Quilt Doodle Idea
I found this photo on Tumblr and it made me laugh out loud. Then it gave me an idea...for a…
- August 29, 2012
Doodles make the BEST quilt designs!
I hope by now, you have had time to do a little free motion quilting using your favorite doodles...I find…
- August 28, 2012
Assignment 3: Start small….but not too small
I just returned home from celebrating a family wedding in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin. The bride was beautiful, as was…