And the Winner is…

January 21, 2013

Valentine, Heart, Free Motion Quilting, Giveaway

Dear Gentle Reader,

It is quite plain by your response to The First Ever Giveaway at The Inbox Jaunt that the only thing that you like more than Doodle Quilts is Doodle Quilt giveaways!

Valentine, Heart, Free Motion Quilting, Giveaway

Thank you for all of your suggestions for further posts.  I will answer all the questions over the next few weeks.  Many of the question will require short tutorials…the tutorials are already in the works, so check back often for the answer to YOUR question…

Valentine Doodle004

We do have one lucky winner today, but if you were not the winner today…there are many more giveaways coming soon…

Valentine, Heart, Free Motion Quilting, Giveaway

We will be offering a Shamrock Doodle Quilt in time for St. Patrick’s Day as well as giveaways from King Arthur Flour and The Stencil Company…Stay Tuned!

Without further ado…the winner of the Valentine’s Day Doodle Quilt is…

Valentine Doodle005

Gwendiequilts!  I will contact you directly for mailing information.    Congratulations!

Tomorrow:  Tutorial Tuesday-More pink, more hearts, more fun with Free Motion Quilting…



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